Monday 16 September 2013


During our PTA meeting, during that day, as part of our activities, parents are advised and encouraged to interact, ask questions, suggest as well a recommend to the classroom teacher of your ward/child(ren) the best/better way to achieve maximum/excellent result from the child. Observe or perceived inadequacies should be directed to the management through the head Teacher. Suggestion box is also open all parents/guardians who will like to write in for areas of improvements, advancements, etc that will make us achieve greatness.
The school has a weekly progress report/communication booklet for home work, assignments, projects, etc that is given to the child. The parent is expected to sign it, please guide the child(ren) do not do assignment for them
Parents are encouraged to provide lunch for their child(ren) (especially fruits) since we cannot absolutely substitute for your love. However, if any parent wants the school to provide for his/her ward/child, such parent should contact the school bursar for such agreement.
                                   PLAY GROUND
A well demarcated and decorated playground is provided for safe and sufficient equipment for both outdoor and activities, all for our child that we love dearly.
                                      SICK BAY
A standard sick bay is provided to treat and care for very minor alignment or injuries, with well equipped first aid box of international standard.
A well equipped and up to date e-library and hard-copies books are available for our pupils/students.
                               INTERNET FACILITIES
We appropriate a state of the art computer library with internet facilities to access the world and our school can be reached us at
We convey pupils on parent demand. Our school bus does not wait for anybody rather pupils wait for the bus on designated bus stops and time allocated to them. Our services are first come, first serve basis.
                                    STAFF PROFILE
We recruit, maintain and parade the best, talented and experienced crop of teachers and workers available for PRE-Nursery, Nursery, Grade/Primary and Secondary. Their qualification ranges from teachers grade11, National certificate in education (NCE), to University Degrees and masters. We have dedicated Men of God that are in partnership with us to enhance and maintain our Spiritual Development.
                       THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS
The board consists of people of proven integrity’ like Rev. (Dr.) Sunday .S. George- PHD in philosophy of Education. PST. Hutton H Jackreece-NCE, Bed (in view) Guardians and counseling. Chairman of the board.

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