Monday 16 September 2013


ACHIEVERS’ CHRISTIAN ACADEMY shall implement the federal, state and International Accelerated Christian Education curriculum. We are therefore obliged to offer a wide range of subjects that will provide each child a solid, sound and dependable springboard for secondary, Tertiary Education and the world of opportunities in life.
Our emphasis is based on continuous assessment system of evaluation, cultural and social activities are given prominence as co-curricular activities.
Daycare classes close by 1.00pm. Nursery classes close by 1.30pm
Primary classes close by 2.30pm. Secondary classes close by 3.30pm
Every school day. Public holidays are observed accordingly

                                    SCHOOL UNIFORMS
The school uniforms and P.E wears are provided by the school Authority, No parentis allowed to provide anyone outside, this is to allow for uniformity both in sewing and quality.
Rose pink/pink check
Black shoes with white stockings

Rose pink/pink check
Black shoes with white stockings
P.E Wear
White canvas/ white stockings
Rose pink/pink check
Black shoes with white stockings
P.E Wear
White canvas/ white stockings

                       EXERCISE/TEXT BOOKS
The school produces and provides all reading and writing materials and it is compulsory that each child obtain his/her materials from the school store. Textbooks are also available in the school book store and the prices are highly subsidized for our pupils.
All parents and guardians of pupils in the school are automatic members of the PTA. It is our great expectation that every parent/guardian plays a very active and important role in this association so as to assist the school management take the school to a higher level.

                         THE PTA AIMS/OBJECTIVES
i.            Promote good relationship, love, care amongst parents/guardian and staff of Achievers’ Christian Academy.
ii.          Serves as an avenue to get feedback from our parent/guardian.
iii.        To promote and foster a united effort towards the development of individual child in particular and the school a body.
iv.         To be parents in family (Achievers’) progress, prosperity, and in prayers, privately, individually and co-operatively.

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